Advocating for Water Efficiency with Mary Ann Dickinson

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Mary Ann Dickinson, the President and CEO of the Alliance for Water Efficiency, comes on The Water Values Podcast to examine a range of current issues involving water efficiency and to discuss her organization’s advocacy for water efficiency. She enthusiastically identifies a number of issues and describes how water efficiency actually is the least cost alternative for holding down rates. Mary Ann explains how water and energy are interrelated. She also identifies a wide gulf in the public’s understanding about how much water we actually use. Listen and find out how you can use water more efficiently!

In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • Which organizations are devoted to the efficient and sustainable use of water
  • The mission of Alliance for Water Efficiency and its varied programs
  • The bigger picture of how consumers use water and where it’s going
  • How are water efficiency programs chosen for different communities
  • The Water Conservation Tracking Tool and what it does
  • What happened when a Tennessee community ran out of water
  • The principal of water conservation
  • The biggest misperception about the impact of water conservation on rates
  • How water conservation efforts are taking the rap for poor community infrastructure
  • How water utilities base their rates
  • The millions of dollars that can be saved in “avoided costs”
  • What tools are available to help  utilities set conservation-oriented rates and keep revenue stable
  • The symbiotic relationship between water and energy
  • The blueprint for water and energy working together, and the test case of Austin Water and Power
  • What the average consumer doesn’t know about their water use

Resources and links mentioned in or relevant to this session include:


Click here to download the Transcript for Session 32 of The Water Values Podcast.

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