Dave Speaks. An Interview by Matt Klein

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TWV #001 guest Matt Klein returns to turn the tables on Dave. Matt and Dave discuss a wide range of issues affecting the water industry, and Matt does a terrific job leading the discussion. Take a listen to Dave on the hot seat!

In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • Why and how Dave started The Water Values Podcast
  • Some guests that have had a significant impact on Dave
  • Dave’s thoughts on the single technology that has the most potential in the water industry
  • Dave’s thoughts on how water utilities can deal with the looming labor shortage
  • Dave’s thoughts on P3s (public-private partnerships)
  • Dave’s thoughts on infrastructure issues

Resources and links mentioned in or relevant to this session include:


Sorry – no transcript this week. Let me know by emailing me if you miss the transcripts!

Thank You!

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2 thoughts on “Dave Speaks. An Interview by Matt Klein

  1. Seth Swanson

    Nice to hear you interviewed. I was interested in your comments on the future of smart water grids. As you noted, there’s been decent progress made in the area of customer engagement with smart water tools, but perhaps not as much in the area of system operations. I think a lot of operations progress was made with the implementation of SCADA systems years ago, but that further progress using much of that SCADA data has been slow. It feels like it’s ready to take the next step soon, though, with new software that is becoming available whether from Innovyze or smaller outfits. One example I’ve used: http://www.h2ometrics.com/

    1. Dave McGimpsey Post author

      Hi Seth - Thanks for the comment! Sometimes I wonder if we’re on data overload — the sensors collect so much that we’re still trying to sift through and figure out what the important data points are and how we optimize our use of the data. Then again, sometimes I wonder if we’re just collecting it and letting it stockpile because our utilities are so busy reacting to the latest crisis rather than being proactive. That’s the pivot Matt was talking about — getting our utilities to a point where proactive decision-making is the paradigm rather than reactive decision-making. Thanks for listening!!!

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