The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) just published a terrific new guide for municipalities examining stormwater fee programs: Navigating Litigation Floodwaters: Legal Considerations for Funding Municipal Stormwater Programs. The guide outlines the legal issues that impact the funding…
The Importance of Oversight in P3 Arrangements
In my recent interview with Allentown, Pennsylvania, Mayor Ed Pawlowski, the Mayor described the oversight mechanism that the parties built into the P3 agreement (a 50-year lease) for Allentown’s water and sewer utilities. I wanted to explore this issue because…
What Path Will Water 4.0 Follow? With Prof. David Sedlak Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS UC Berkeley professor, David Sedlak, joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss the revolutions in urban water systems and to forecast what the next generation of our urban…
Coping with Massive Growth and Record Drought in Texas with Phil Wilson Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS The Water Values Podcast welcomes Phil Wilson, the General Manager and CEO of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) in Texas, onto the show. Phil also is a…
Where Does Our Lack of Water Infrastructure Investment Lead? With Marshall Davert Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS Marshall Davert, the President of Government & Infrastructure for the Americas and Asia/Pacific for MWH Global joins The Water Values Podcast this week. Marshall identifies key water infrastructure…
Wait, Congress Passed a Bi-Partisan Water Infrastructure Bill?
Congress actually passed a piece of bi-partisan legislation! The Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (Act) overwhelmingly pushed through Congress recently and authorized more than $12.3 Billion for ports, waterways and water infrastructure projects. Check out this short…
Four Ways We Need to Think Differently about Water with Steve Maxwell Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS Steve Maxwell of TechKNOWLEDGEy Strategic Group joins The Water Values Podcast this week to discuss the four ways we need to think differently about water. Steve shares a…
Why We Need Local Leadership to Address the Nation’s Water Infrastructure Needs
The tweet below caught my attention this week. Every day, tweets are posted and articles written about the need for investment in water infrastructure. The numbers are staggering. The United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that $384 Billion will be…
Water Planning with Jack Wittman Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS In the second session of The Water Values Podcast, I welcome Jack Wittman, a hydrogeologist with INTERA. As described in the podcast, Jack has significant experience in all…
5 Reasons You Need to Care about Non-Revenue Water
Everybody likes paying for services and products they don’t receive, right? We all know that’s not true. If a drinking water utility serves you, well, you pay for water that you don’t consume and that never even makes it onto…